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Our Mission

We are Mandela Learning and we strive to change your child's approach to education. By promoting student success, we focus on three goals, creating a healthy growth mindset, foundations for middle school, and becoming stronger problem solvers. 

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Bhavya Mamnani


Hi! I am Bhavya Mamnani and I attend Mira Loma High School as a freshman. As a student I understand that it is hard to adapt to these new ways of learning during these time. My friend Nishka and I hope to help you and your child during these times. We are motivated to stimulate your child's math skills. :)

Nishka Modi


Hello, I am Nishka Modi and I attend Folsom High School as a freshman. As a student I realize it must be a struggle â€‹for both younger children and parents to adapt to the learning fundamentals in Distance Learning. In these much needed times my friend, Bhavya and I hope to help your child and release your stress a little as we go through this journey together. Whether or not your child is struggling we are also motivated to accelerate your child's math skills as well. Hope to see you online! 😉

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